Sunday, June 23, 2013

Vocabulary Exercise #9: Synonyms of "To Look and To See"

Communicative Objective: Describing Looking and Seeing
Context: People Watching 

Part 1, Speaking: The words listed below are all synonyms of the verbs “to look” and "to see." Each varies slightly from the others in meaning and use. Discuss the definition and application of each word.

1.   glance: (verb & count noun) to briefly and intentionally look at something (neutral) 
            Example: I sometimes glance at fellow subway passengers’ books.

2.   glare: (verb & count noun) to look at with anger (negative)  
            Example: My daughter glares at me when she is angry.

3.   glimpse: (verb & count noun) to briefly and unintentionally see something (neutral)
            Example: It is possible to glimpse mice in subway tunnels.

4.   ogle: (verb) to look at passionately (negative)  
            Example: Immature teenage boys usually ogle attractive women.  

5.   stare: (verb & noun) to look at intently for a longer than usual period (negative)   
            Example: Don’t stare! It’s not polite!

Part 2, Reading Exercise: Complete the reading passage with the most appropriate vocabulary.

     “People watching” is a common activity on public transportation systems worldwide. It is an instructive, and usually entertaining, way of killing time while sitting on a bus or train.

    During a recent commute, I observed a toddler having a tantrum. The child was screaming at her embarrassed father over a toy. Some train riders _____ momentarily as the spectacle unfolded. A few others _____ as they were disturbed from their reading.

     A provocatively-dressed young woman got on at the next stop. I happened to _____ her as I folded my newspaper. Some passengers _____ at her relatively discreetly whereas some were obviously _____ her. 

Vocabulary Class: 
Are you interested in learning more vocabulary? Take this great class!!intermediate-reading-and-vocabulary/ccve

The answers to this exercise are available at the following link:!english-exercises-answers/c11f1

© James Doyle, 2013

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