Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vocabulary Exercise #22: Synonyms of "Mobster"

Communicative Objective: Describing the Mafia

Context: The Mafia in the American Experience

Part 1, Speaking: The words listed below are all synonyms of the noun “mobster.” Each varies slightly from the others in meaning and use. Discuss the definition and application of each word.

1.   enforcer: (count noun) a formal, neutral synonym of “mid-level mobster”      
Example: The don needs to get a new enforcer.    

2.   mafioso: (count noun) a formal, general, neutral synonym of “Italian mobster”                
Example: The mafiosos ran some New York neighborhoods for decades.    

3.   racketeer: (count noun) a formal, negative synonym of “high-level mobster”      
Example: The cops got some racketeers at a poker game last night.

4.   soldier: (count noun) a formal / informal, urban synonym of “low-level mobster”      
Example: Where my soldier at?  

5.   wise guy: (count noun) an informal, general, positive synonym of “Italian mobster”                
Example: Wise Guys was a 1986 box office hit about Jersey mobsters. 

Part 2, Reading Exercise: Complete the reading passage with the most appropriate vocabulary.

     Organized crime came to the New World from the Old, accompanying a variety of immigrant communities and taking root in urban ethnic enclaves, such as the Italian neighborhoods of New York and the Irish areas of Boston, in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

     These mafias have tended to victimize their own communities, first and foremost. It was common for small business owners to be shaken down by __________ for “protection” if they failed to pay off the __________. The actual __________ were rarely seen in public, out of concern for their safety and to avoid getting their hands dirty.

     Other immigrant groups and their associated mafias have followed since, most notably the Russians, Ukrainians and Chinese. Despite this, it is the __________ who are still most often glorified in American media.

    Hollywood has begun in recent years to more accurately portray these mobsters for the cruel thugs that they are. Historically, however, they have usually been glorified as the neighborhood __________.

© James Doyle, 2013

Vocabulary Class: 
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The answers to this exercise are available at the following link: 

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