Friday, July 5, 2013

Vocabulary Exercise #16: Synonyms of "To Fly"

Communicative Objective: Describing Flying

Context: Human Flight

Part 1, Speaking: The words listed below are all synonyms of the verb “to fly.” Each varies slightly from the others in meaning and use. Discuss the definition and application of each word.

1.   to dart: (verb) to fly quickly between two points           
Example: We darted to New York in just an hour.

2.   to flit: (verb) to fly quickly between and around other objects       
Example: I can’t get that mosquito because it is flitting everywhere.   

3.   to glide: (verb) to fly supported by air currents
Example: Flying squirrels actually glide. They do not have wings to flap, after all.

4.   to hover: (verb) to pause in flight and remain suspended in the air       
Example: Helicopters allow us to hover over areas.

5.   to soar: (verb) to fly very high in the sky     
Example: From my apartment in Lima, I can observe condors soaring high above the city. 

Part 2, Reading Exercise: Complete the reading passage with the most appropriate vocabulary.

     Humans have longed to fly since at least the dawn of recorded history, inspired in part by the animals with which they have shared their environment, from the tiniest insects that _____ all around us to the _____ hummingbirds. 

     The late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially, saw numerous attempts at developing controlled, powered and sustained flight; culminating in the first successful attempt by the Wright brothers on December 17th, 1903. From these humble beginnings of little more than _____, humans have developed the ability _____ between cities served by airports and _____ on the edge of space and beyond.   

© James Doyle, 2013

Vocabulary Class: 
Are you interested in learning more vocabulary? Take this great class!!intermediate-reading-and-vocabulary/ccve

The answers to this exercise are available at the following link: 

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